Posts tagged with Iceland
1 Million Eyes on Iceland
2017-02-27 21:07:00 UTCBeing a travel photographer means that if I visit a place I really love, I feel a responsibiliy to represent it in a way that will encourage others to visit it too. I’m a long time fan of Iceland, so when Expedia commissioned me to visit for my 3rd time,…
Iceland Guide
2015-12-09 18:58:00 UTCThe worst question to ask a frequent traveler is “what is the best place you’ve been to?” I can’t possibly answer “best”, but I can tell you what the most picturesque country is - Iceland. I visited Iceland for the 3rd time in June, 2015 to shoot a guide for…
Iceland - the North
2015-06-25 21:34:00 UTCIn the second leg of my Iceland trip (part 1 here), I explored the north east of the country. This area is less pretty but more dramatic than the more popular southern end of the island. For this reason, it is extremely popular for film sets. Akureyri, the main city…
Iceland 2015
2015-06-17 22:34:00 UTCI spent 8 very cold days photographing Iceland for Expedia in the beginning of June for what was supposed to be the start of summer. Although I didn’t get the weather that I was hoping for, Iceland still ridiculously beautiful and thanks to Game of Thrones, a lot more crowded…